Tuesday, October 28, 2008

101 in 1001

I like lists. I make a 'To do' list at the office, a 'To buy' list when grocery shopping and I have list of the things I want to buy one day. During my daily blog stalking, I saw that Mellisa Jill had a 101 in 1001 list inspired by Jessica Claire. I was also inspired to start a list. 101 things to do in 1001 days!

Mellisa Jill mentioned that she wouldn't be solely driven by this list and that she will listen Gods voice. I agree. I don't know what adventurous turn my life will make next but there are a couple of things I would like to do, God willing. I have to admit, to think of 101 things to do was quite a task. I got stuck at around #58 and it took me a good 2 weeks to think of the rest!

I'm putting it up on my blog so that I can track my progress and mark it off as I go along. After all, the most satisfying thing about a list is getting to cross things off. So here it is... drum roll please....

1. Book a shoot through my blog
2. Get business cards
3. Second shoot at 3 weddings in 2009
4. Buy 2 other lenses
5. Get a scooter Check!
6. Hand raise a pigeon
7. Have a flat tummy
8. Do voluntary work at an orphanage
9. Learn to dive
10. Get a laptop
11. Finish my studies at Intec
12. Print and hang some of my own photos
13. Shoot a wedding Check!
14. Go to Europe
15. Take photos of the Brits Family
16. Paint a canvas painting
17. Get a bicycle
18. Do a cycle race ie. 94.7 cycle challenge
19. Do a sport
20. Read through the bible
21. Start a bible study group
22. Stay in a bigger flat
23. Go on a vacation with Nico
24. Get a puppy
25. Do a tour of a Biblical land
26. Take a road-trip to a place in South Africa I haven't been before
27. Take Ouma and Oupa out to eat
28. Register my business
29. Attend a photographic workshop
30. Sort and file my collection of coins
31. Get my coin collection valued
32. Bake an old fashioned apple pie and eat it with cream
33. Eat sushi at a sushi-bar
34. Try 3 new restaurants
35. Go to a spa and get massaged
36. Get a pedicure
37. Learn to ride a motorbike
38. Have a picnic under the stars
39. Go camping
40. Take dance classes
41. Read all Francine Rivers novels
42. Buy a Wok
43. Learn the rules of rugby
44. Watch a movie on IMAX
45. Get involved in Now I lay me down to sleep
46. Have Dad over for dinner
47. Have Mom visit for a week
48. Choose a pigeon and track him through racing season
49. Have 10 movies on DVD
50. Buy a boardgame and have game night
51. Go on a camp with the church
52. Buy RED high-heels
53. Go somewhere that I need to wear an evening dress
54. Watch the Lipizzaners
55. Take horse riding lessons
56. Spend a day with my cousins
57. Take Odette for coffee
58. Take a photo of lightning
59. Take a photo of the Jacaranda trees in full bloom
60. Do a photo shoot with Corne
61. Take Nico to Gold-Reef City
62. Go on a train tour
63. Help Nico to go to the Mighty Men Conference
64. Do a charity book project
65. Print a photobook
66. Have a tea party
67. Go to the theater
68. Get my motorbike license
69. Do an engagement shoot
70. Do a photo shoot off Nico
71. Create my pricelist, packages and contract
72. Win a place in a photo competion
73. Go on a road trip on a motorcycle Check!
74. Frame a photo of my brother and me for my grandparents
75. Call 2 friend I havn't spoken to in a long time
76. Share an expensive bottle of wine
77. Make a flowerbox and plant pretty flowers
78. Go scuba diving
79. Learn to play a whole song on the guitar
80. Take photos of my mom
81. Buy a pair of designer jeans
82. Upgrade to photoshop CS3
83. Grow my hair till below my shoulders
84. Go go-carting
85. Take my brother and his girl to MAHEM
86. bake a chocolate cake Nico likes
87. Have 100 comments on my blog
88. Watch a rugby game in a stadium other than Loftus
89. Play golf and complete all 18 holes
90. Go tubing on a dam
91. Order a steak when eating out
92. Get a pet parrot
93. Have a dinner party
94. Paint the pigeon cage
95. Teach Melody how to cook something
96. Buy trousers other that a jean or in black
97. Get commisioned to take photos for a business
98. Order room service at a hotel in the middle of the night
99. Bake cookies for christmas
100. Go to the Kruger National Park and remember my camera
101. Immigrate to different country

So there it is. I will be posting about the things I have completed and linking them to this list.
Wish me luck!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Charity Book Project

Im subscribed to ProPhotoResource.com's newsletter and in one of this months articles Paul Gero wrote about a Charity Book project he did with the benefactor being CHOC Foundation for Children, a Orange County, CA charity. He tells about how inspiring it was do this and what a revelation it brought about.

Here is an extract from the article:
"Australian portrait photographer Tero Sade shared the project at a seminar I attended last summer and it inspired us to try it here Tero has been doing this project for nearly a decade in Australia and it is wildly successful. Not only did I get the idea for the book from the seminar, but our entire portrait business changed, as a result, too.

Our original goal was to do 100 sessions and raise $10,000 for CHOC with a session fee of $100 per child going directly to the charity (we had our clients write the check to CHOC so there were no issues about where the funds were going). Each child would be featured in the book, one per page with their photo and first name printed.

To date we have $11,300 to date for the charity and actually did 112 sessions.

The Charity book project was successful on so many levels for us."

I would love to do something similar one day. It always seems like it is only the very rich who give to charity but doing something like this will give me a chance to also give in the best way I know how, with photography. With possible relations early next year with Jakaranda Kinderhuis, I might just make them the charity of choice.... Watch this space!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This passed weekend I photographed precious little Kayleigh. She is 12 weeks old and just the most beautiful little angel. Here is a little sneak peak for her Mom and Dad.

She knew how to strike a pose!

I just love the little bubbles in her mouth

Cant wait to take more pictures of this bundle of joy!

Friday, October 17, 2008

The product

Because photography is just a hobby at this stage, I dont have fancy cd cases with my name branded on it. But I had make something that would look classy and professional. So this is what I did:

I used Lightscribe cds with a clear casing

A printed label on the side has all my contact details

As a personal touch I added a charm of a high-heel shoe

And the final product all wrapped up!

Handsome man

I might be bias, but I think I have a very handsome brother. He got all the right genes. The piercing blue eyes, the charming smile, the toned body....sigh... Im very proud to have spent the day with him a couple of weeks ago, as he got ready for his Matric Farewell. He looked so dapper! If you don't believe me, look for yourself!

His date, as I mentioned previously was the stunning young lady who's matric farewell I also photographed. She wore the same dress and just changed her make-up and hair....Amazing!

ps* Thank you so much to Chantel and her mom for being such great people! I hope you enjoyed the photos!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sneak Peak...

I did a matric farewell shoot a couple of weeks ago for Chantel. She's the tiniest,most petite young lady and she looked gorgeous in her striking orange dress! She also accompanied my brother to his farewell. Here are a couple of my favourite shots!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Henri House

One of the perks of getting to travel is getting to stay in stunning places! When I last visited Grahamstown in Eastern Cape we spent a night in the historical, 3 star rated, Henri House B&B.
The original house was built in 1856 and the old Cape Dutch style has been preserved.
Since we had to leave early the next morning I loved that our host had already supplied us with everything in our kitchens. There was breakfast serials, fruit, yogurt, milk, bread(white and brown
), croissants, jam, coffee, tea and muffins for us to indulge in, in our own time! I was lucky to get a double bedroom room and I loved the fresh open space and the country style decor.

Flying for the first time!

In July this year I had my first flying experience, and I'm hooked! Although I must admit I was a little nervous. Especially when the slow movement on the runway became a ' jerk back into your chair, grab the arm rest, pray for your life, lightning fast speed'! I didn't know they could go THAT fast! It was probably just the 'first time flying jitters' getting me all adrenalin pumped, but I loved it! And what a view!

We flew to Port Elizabeth from Johannesburg, when we cane over the sea to take the landing the sun was just setting. The colours were so beautiful!

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