Saturday, June 14, 2008

Change is as good as a holiday

Isnt it strange how a new outfit or new shoes or a new haircut can just change your whole outlook on life. For the little time that it is new you seem to look at the world through diffrent eyes. You strut more because you suddenly have a confidence boost that just isnt there with your other clothes or shoes or previous hairstyle.

Well, I did it. I went blonde! It was a grueling 5 hour prosess of stripping, rinsing, bleaching, highlighting, drying, treating, toning and finally cutting. But, I like it! Its different, ALOT different, but its fun! I still need to double check when I see my reflection because Im used to seeing a brunette looking back at me...

Well, you know what they say....Blondes have more fun!

Friday, June 6, 2008


Will it look good? What if it it doesn't? What if I look totally ridiculous? Am I going to short? Will the colour be right? Those are the thoughts that run through my head before I get a haircut.
I think I have a minor case of Haircut Phobia. ( Yes,I actually googled it)
I get this crazy feeling of anxiety before a haircut. Maybe because I havn't found a good hairdresser yet or one that understands what I want. One thing my Mom taught me, is to ALWAYS take a picture with of what you want. That way there can be no misunderstandings. My last haircut turned out WaY too short! That was like 10 months ago so its die time for a proper hairstyle. So I decided to book a haircut at what looks like a 'fancy' haidresser.
Tomorrow is the big day.
My hair is in a longish bob at the moment and my natural brown haircolour has long grown out. Im going BLONDE this time (then I wonder why Im nervous), with a shaggy bob cut. Kinda like Minki van der Westhuizen's hair.

Usually afterwards Im willing to live with whatever it turned out as... it grows back right!
So.... just a couple more hours to go....wish me luck!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

life by....

This is me, my life.... Welcome!
I have been inspired to start a blog by being a stalker on Jasmine Star's blog. She is also my mentor and I hope to be as an inspiring photographer as she has become, one day.
My heavenly father has taken me on a crazy journey so far in life. Crazy might not be the right word....maybe its more like an incredible adventure! I only have one shot at this life, so may this be my cyberspace!

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